EEEEEEK! I am SO excited, you guys. I’m not sure if you knew, but in addition to having this blog, I have worked with Lisa Leake/ for the past 5 years. And 4 years ago, I co-branded the first edition of Real Lunches, Real Easy with Lisa. Flash forward to TODAY when we are releasing my third version of RLRE. Can I get a hell-yeah?! Here’s a pic of the cover:

I’m beyond excited about this launch because it’s a product that has helped so many, and one that I know can help you, too, if you’ve ever struggled with what to pack your kids for lunch. This 3rd version has been a labor of love for months, and the finished product is finally here – yay! BUUUUT – it’s only available until August 31, 2017. So don’t miss out!

About Real Lunches, Real Easy

These ebooks were born out of my own personal frustrations years ago. I was sick and tired of standing in my kitchen at 9:30 at night not knowing what to pack. I had already had a long day, I was spent, and was flat out frustrated. There had to be another way, I just knew it! So I stared a system where I’d plan ahead of time, I’d make a few things on the weekend, and when the week came, I was armed and ready to make meals that were not only nutritious, but also different and delicious! No more PB + J sandwiches daily combined with a bag of Goldfish. I knew I was onto something and wanted to create a way to help others with what I had learned.

Each of the ebooks contain 

  • Over 50 pages
  • Tips and tricks to get organized
  • Recommended lunch packing tools to make the job easier
  • 6 weeks of lunch meal plans* each with:
    • “At a Glance” weekly menu with photos of each meal
    • Detailed cheat sheet (showing exactly what to prepare and when)
    • Corresponding shopping list
    • Dozens of recipes (both from 100 Days of Real Food, other sites/blogs and original)
    • Some recipe photos
  • Bonus recipes and suggested add-ins for those extra hungry kids
  • Blank templates, if you wish to create your own plans


Each ebook will tell you:

  • what groceries to buy each week
  • what lunches to pack each day
  • a system to make the school year full of nutritious real food!

Who should buy these ebooks? 

  • Anyone who has been frustrated with packing their kid’s lunches.
  • Anyone who often feels fresh out of new, good ideas for what to pack.
  • Anyone who doesn’t know where to start and needs help getting organized.
  • Anyone who doesn’t want to think about what to pack or purchase and who simply wants someone to just tell them exactly what to do!
  • Anyone who wants to send real food instead of the processed stuff in their kid’s lunches – YOU!
Making healthy school lunches can be easy!

A glimpse of what the first week of lunches looks like in RLRE III.

I absolutely had to share this with you, because these ebooks have helped tens of thousands of people … and you know that my goal is to make eating real food a possibility for your family, thanks to all of my inspiration (and learning!) from Lisa;).

Here’s the kicker: these ebooks are only available for 2 WEEKS starting today. After August 31, 2017, due to contractual agreements with Lisa’s book publisher, we aren’t allowed to sell them until next year.

Don’t miss your chance!

Here are a few fun takes from our cover photo shoot:).








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